Device autochanger has 0 slots

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[Bacula-users] Bacula Autoloader Error: Device Autochanger

May 31, 2007 · Enter autochanger drive[0]:0 Connecting to Storage daemon Autochanger at ganymede:9103 3306 Issuing autochanger "slots" command. Device "Autochanger" has 23 slots. Connecting to Storage daemon Autochanger at ganymede:9103 ... Adding a tape library to Bacula – Dan Langille's Other Diary This article was written some months go, but only published today. I recently acquired a new tape auto-changer / library. I have already run some simple tests on the library, and all seems well. I already have an existing Bacula installation and my plan is to add this new auto-changer into that. Troubleshooting hardware problems with NetWorker commands Apr 23, 2012 · Troubleshooting hardware problems with NetWorker commands. Device commands . NetWorker has many utilities that can be used to troubleshoot hardware problems in your environment. In NetWorker for Unix the utilities are in /usr/bin/ and available in the path. On Windows they are located in the installation path ..\EMC\nsr\bin\. Does USB 2.0 Items Work with a USB 3.0 slot? - Microsoft

EMC NetWorker Autochanger Software Module - license - CDW

*update slots The defined Storage resources are: 1: File 2: Autochanger Select Storage resource (1-2): 2 Connecting to Storage daemon Autochanger at ...bacula-sd has the following: Autochanger { Name = Autochanger Device = Drive-1 Device... Bacula Rescan Slots | Tramvia Napoli

Device Autochanger Has 0 Slots. device autochanger has 0 slots Certified Pre-Owned Price is the approximate price a consumer can expect to pay at a dealership for a used vehicle that has passed the manufacturers certification process.Certified Pre-Owned Price is the approximate price a consumer can expect to pay at a dealership for a used vehicle that has passed the manufacturers certification ...

Cleaning slots field—reserves a specified slot or range of slots in the jukebox for the cleaning cartridge(s). NetWorker automatically selects the correctTip: If a jukebox has more than one device, the device pathnames must be listed in the same order as their physical location in the jukebox. Multiple autoloaders, 2nd autoloader has 0 slots

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Note that there are 3200 slots, 1600 regular slots and 1600 Import/Export slots, used whenhave to tweak it a bit. In our case, we are happy to interact with the Import/Export slots using mtx interface inChanger Device: The SCSI device to drive the autochanger. Here is where we will put the name of...

Autochanger Support - Bacula Modifications to your Storage daemon's Device configuration resource to identify ... that the Storage daemon has sufficient permissions to access the autochanger. ... If no slot is given, or the slot is set to zero, Bacula will not attempt to use the ... Autochanger Resource - Bacula If your autochanger has barcodes (machine readable tape labels), the task of informing .... Assuming you have a tape in slot 3, it will be loaded into drive (0).